Installing Git Core and Setting up First Repository

What are we doing?

  • Generating SSH keys and adding them to bitbucket
  • Installing Git core on our web server
  • Setting up a repository
  • Pushing a project to a repository


Version control is an industry standard in development. It enables developers to work as a team and keep track of changes.


Generate SSH Keys and add to Bitbucket

Repeat this on all (Unix like) devices that will use the repository

From terminal, execute the following commands-

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"

(enter to place in default directory)

(enter to skip password protection)

(enter again to confirm)

Show the public key we just generated

cat ~/.ssh/

Copy this value, then visit Bitbucket

Create a free account, then navigate to Account -> Settings -> SSH Keys -> Add key

Create a repository and copy the Git origin (The format will be similar to [email protected]:myuser/myfirstrepo.git)

Installing Git and initialising a repository

Update repositories and install the Git core.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core

Set some global variables

git config --global "YOUR_NAME"
git config --global "[email protected]"

Initialise a repository

cd /path/to/project/root
git init

Tell Git where the remote repository is

git remote add origin [email protected]:myuser/myfirstrepo.git

We can now see what files Git is tracking with the following command

git status

If you’d like Git to ignore any of these file, add them to .gitignore

sudo nano .gitignore

Add files or filetypes to be ignored

ctrl + x then y to save

Add all uncommitted files

git add .

Commit with message

git commit -m “Initial commit”

Send the files off to the Bitbucket repository

git push origin master

That’s it! If everything went to plan you will no be able to see your commit at Bitbucket under repositories -> commits

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