Magento Fatal Error: Call to a member function setQuote() on a non-object in Abstract.php

After a nice few days off work for the annual Northern Irish, festivities, let’s call them; I returned to a ticket raising an issue whereby Magento was reporting an error when returning to our store from the PayPal Express checkout

Fatal error: Call to a member function setQuote() on a non-object in /http/app/code/core/Mage/Paypal/Controller/Express/Abstract.php on line 217

I either have terrible luck or these errors are normally much more difficult to diagnose. This is simply an issue with custom themes.

Always test in staging, create backups and disable caches before editing live files.

To fix download the following folder


Use it to replace the following folder


Download the following layout file


Upload it, replacing the following file


Refresh caches and carry on trading.

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