Custom error pages are a good way of adding the final professional touches to a site. In IIS this is (unlike customisation in most Microsoft products!) a straightforward task. OpenĀ IIS Manager. From here, you’ll need
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Install Open VM Tools on Debian
Today is a good day. I’ve been rebuilding a few of my home lab VMs in Ubuntu and Debain and discovered something I wish I’d found a long time ago. You see, to install Open
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I’ve being doing some tidying up on my home lab and thought it would be a good opportunity to set up something every geek should have: an SMTP relay. Setting up a Simple Mail Transfer
Read moreBlog: Merging MS SQL Server and MySql databases
For some time now, I’ve been running Microsoft Server 2012 with IIS and Microsoft Sql Server. I run a small photo upload service built in C# and that was once a university project (although
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